It's all my fellow Christians out there and even people that are non-Christian. This is the truth. A lot of people look at it in different ways. There's a lot of different religions. Remember Religion was made by man and remember that there's only one God who had the son Jesus Christ that died on the cross for our sins. We are all sinners. Jesus Christ was the only man that walked the Earth without sin so don't beat yourself up always ask for forgiveness and don't feel like you know you let everybody down just ask for forgiveness and learn from your mistakes. I call him. They're either life mistakes or their live lessons life mistakes you don't learn from life lessons You learn from live lessons.@karenbarnett949@kora_fields@troy_becker78@terri_ring88@mchurchwell@churchwellbrent2@james_sully05@hally_churchwell6@bellarose083@katiesandrakh90