Hyperaldosteronism Fighter’s Breakfast💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 Helps me feel more energized in the morning! Tastes so good! Quick! Affordable! Good for Me!! ✨Oatmeal~ antioxidants, fights heart disease, digestion, lowers blood sugar. Keeps you regular being a great source of fiber. 🪐Honey~ blood pressure & cholesterol management and antioxidants too. Plus a cough suppressant, and heals minor wounds and burns. 🌚Blueberries~ packed with Vitamins C & K, reduce dna damage, may lower blood pressure, improve memory and have antioxidants too! They’re a great after work snack, as it reduces muscle damage. 🌙Bananas~ potassium, vitamin C B6, magnesium and prebiotics 🌞Cinnamon~ anti inflammatory, protects against heart disease, antibacterial, possibly antiviral and guess what? antioxidants too!!!