$4,700 in Jan, $325 in Feb … The way you earn money on FLIP has changed a bit, I know that it’s a huge factor that is being added. Now, it’s not just watching for 3-second that allows you to earn money, but you HAVE to verify your phone number in order to count as a viewer . So, whether we have 1K 3-second views, does not mean we will make atleast $10 or 0.01 per view, because only VERIFIED views count But here is a February Earnings Update, not too bad, but definitely a huge difference from January. #FlipEarnings #EngagementEarnings #VerifiedViews #FebruaryEngagementEarnings #MakeMoney #MonetizingOnFlip #FlipCreators #FlipTipoftheDay #TipsforFlipUsers