Where the FLIP did I go? Back to creating on the Flip app after taking a little break! Life has been a lot lately—starting a new job, moving, and some relationship changes had me feeling pretty burnt out. But hey, I did hit $6.08 in creator earnings, so that’s a small win! I know my watch and post streak took a hit, so verification might be a ways off, but that’s okay. I love making content as an artist, and sharing my knowledge to help others is what keeps me going. Just working on finding the right balance! #holistichealthcoach #disabledcreator #newparent #scrunchymama #newflipster #newtotheflipside #witchtokrefugee #unitarianuniversalist #witch #ittakesavillage #flip #flipapp #fyp#foryou #viral #trending #funny #challenge #DIY #lifehacks #fashion#beauty #food #travel #supportlocal