What the FLIP are frequencies? These are the number of waves that pass a certain point at the same time every time. I don't forget into the scientific explanation much because it is not my thing. I am here to tell you that these waves are here to help. It's just an amazing and relaxing sound that calms you down, and it helps you enter a deep sleep and wake up feeling more energetic. I use these whenever I am trying to fall asleep without using anything else. I love my melatonin, but this is another way that you can accomplish a deep and respectful sleep. #sleep #bettersleeptips #frequencies #sleepfrequencies #soundwavesforsleep #whatisyoursleeptrick #sleeptrick #momlife2025 #dormir #frecuenciasparadormir #hondasdesonidoparadormir #flip #tipsparadormir #vidademama2024 #wellness #descanso #rest