This is the future of spam accounts. As we all know, flip is for us to buy and review products and create clean and informative content. You get paid based on views, interaction, commission from products you share, and that people buy off of your list, etc. So the longer people watch your video, the more money you have a chance of making. As long as this happens during the first 30 days of you posting it. People are misusing the app and posting very inappropriate content. Noor, the creator has a poll going on. To delete spam or meme accounts. It was posted 18 days ago, but it is still open. Vote if you want clean content here. #Noor #cleancontent #voteforcleancontent #memeaccounts #votaporcontenidolimpio #cuentasdememes #poll #momlife #makingmoneyonflip #flippoll #incuestadeflip #contenidoeducativo #noticiasdeflip #cambiosdeflip #momlife2025 #fliptip #consejodeflip