Have chronic Epstein-Barr virus? EBV tests alone may not be enough. Here are 4 tests you should get if you have reactivated EBV: -Gut test - having a healthy gut strengthens your immunity! -Organic acids (OATs) - EBV is more than just an immune issue so this let’s us know if other systems need support -Thyroid panel & antibodies - EBV can trigger autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s) -Adrenal panel - chronic illness can exhaust your adrenals leaving you tired during the day and awake at night 💬What tests have you had? ✨ Get my FREE guide: Overcome EBV Holistically on my profile! #epsteinbarr #epsteinbarrvirus #chronicillness #ebv #ebvvirus #ebvreactivation #epsteinbarrsymptoms #reactivatedepstein #chronicfatigue #mononucleosis