We are getting very close to Valentine’s Day ❤️. Seems like the perfect time for a Leftover Love story ❤️📚❤️📚 So I made this pan fried chicken parm dish the other day and there was one leftover chicken breast that just happened to be the perfect fit on a sourdough sandwich🙌. Seriously it’s like it was meant to be ❤️❤️. The Italian herb and sun dried tomato olive oil was the perfect addition to this mouth watering sandwich 🤤🤤. You know you have a good recipe when it’s leftovers scan be reinvented to things that only add to its delicious factor 👍. Oh right! Remember… • • Don’t diet. Eat real food. #leftover #leftovers #lovestory #leftoverfood #leftoverrecipes #leftoversforlunch #leftoverlovestory #eatyourleftovers #chickenparm #chickenparmesan #chickensandwich #sandwichporn #cookathomedad #ugccreator #ugccontent #ugcjourney #ugccommunity #dontdiet #eateealfood