Wassup world its Coach Tsunami here And today I 'm expressing One of the many reasons I believe you should go out and find a Wing Chun school near you ASAP as your next Martial Art to study for Street C o m b a t i v e s / s e l f -defense Now if your in Florida I Recommend the guy at WING CHUN SCIENCE in Tampa Florida All 4 Coaches will absolutely help you reach new level in your martial arts journey I talk briefly about distance management And the economy of motion in the Art of Wing Chun and how a good Coach and Sifu who overstands the Art Wing Chun well can help you address close range combat at a HIGHER LEVEL and add valuable and effective skills to your arsenal of fight knowledge and library #flipcommunity #flipbusiness #flipclip #flipmaster #fliptips #fliptutorial #flipmoney