Quick and Easy Recipes- Tuna- Use it in salads, taco, sandwiches etc. Ingredients: Fish sauce Soy Sauce Oyster Sauce Lemon Juice Onion powder Salt Rosemary Pepper Garlic Powder Mix Marinate the tuba pieces Leave for about 10 to 15 minutes Pan fry Turn to cook the other side to your liking Its ready Serve hot and enjoy . . . Please follow us on all our other Channel for videos like this. https://youtube.com/@captivatingmoment?si=TYdaM_BvL78xe7TM https://www.instagram.com/_captivating_moment_?igsh=MWo0M2thazV4MWs4YQ== https://www.tiktok.com/@captivatingmoment?_t=8pipp3LJkSJ&_r=1 #quickandeasy #Tuna #Recipe #foryou #foodrecipes #easy #quick #captivatingmoment #kitchen #cooking #seafood # foodanddrinks #foodie #trending #flip #flipcreator #howothersreview @mixxxzzz@expiredsoda