FRIDAY TRAVEL FINDS With Spring Break fast approaching flying can get so expensive !!! In a pinch you need to purchase your flight through a trusted company and that’s why I love flying hopper ! The site is easy to navigate and is so clear about all the fees! When you’re flying with friends and family you want to fly safe and be smart with your finances. Just look at what I’m saving getting my upcoming trip through hopper ? I can’t wait to share more of my money saving finds for travel with you and I can’t wait for my trip !! Happy hopping ! ✈️ #dream #travel #sing #faith #europe #usa#traveldestinations #internationalvocalcoach #internationaltravel #bestplaces #vocalworkshops #bethanyjoysings #vocalseminars #jesus #hope #dreamjob #vocaltips #traveltips #travelwithfriends #musicwithamission #oregon #flyhopper#hopper #turo #pnw #wander #Wahclellafalls