Just some errands I do on a normal basis but I had to get a new pairs of shoes for a second job I start tomorrow and the pantry is a once a month occurrence that my mom and I started doing to save a little money with certain items we can get there might not be much but they actually have good stuff and I’m not to prideful when it comes to a household of five! One time I got a restaurant size HOT SAUCE— I don’t know about you and your family but my girls go through a heck of a lot of hot sauce😅 Every bit helps!! 🌟 All products used with be tagged! 🌟 #FlipMonday #FlipCommunity #FlipContent #FlipVideo #NewToFlip #FlipLife #DayInTheLife #DITL #MomLife #FlipCreator #SpendTheDayWithMe #LifeOfAMom #ContentCreator #BeautyCreator #RealLifeMom #MomOnTheGo #BusyMomLife #KeepingItReal #EverydayLife #FlipClip #FYPFlip #fyp #Foryou #March