1. *Chromophobia*: Fear of colors 2. *Clinophobia*: Fear of beds or going to bed 3. *Arachibutyrophobia*: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth 4. *Taphephobia*: Fear of being buried alive 5. *Genuphobia*: Fear of knees 6. *Lutraphobia*: Fear of otters 7. *Mageirocophobia*: Fear of cooking 8. *Mysophobia*: Fear of germs or contamination 9. *Nostophobia*: Fear of returning home 10. *Octophobia*: Fear of the number 8 11. *Phobophobia*: Fear of phobias 12. *Spectrophobia*: Fear of mirrors or one's own reflection 13. *Trypophobia*: Fear of holes or patterns of holes 14. *Venustraphobia*: Fear of beautiful women 15. *Xanthophobia*: Fear of the color yellow