🎉 I feel so special and grateful to know that people see ME. As a housewife and SAHM I don’t get many interactions with other adults LOL. Here on flip, I’ve been engaging and interacting with Rose (and others) on the daily…I love her reviews and content. THIS WOMAN SHOPS YA’LL 🤣. I’m so glad to have met her on here, it’s just the beginning. THANK YOU SO MUCH, AGAIN 💕 This arrived just in time for my birthday 3/25 🤭…a happy girl #aries #march #marchbirthdays #desirelist #desire #friends #flip #clips #Birthday #gifts #elfskin #cleanskinclub #csc #skincare #selfcare #babeglow #plumping #lips #trends #lipplumper #mom #dollartree #dollartreehaul@royaltypierre28